Safety Policy
It is the policy of Kangaroo Carriers LLC that safety is an integral part of every aspect of our business. In the daily conduct of our operations, the effective loss control of incidents and injuries is of utmost importance to ensure the safety of our personnel, our customers, and the general public. Safety, then, is to be given the highest priority at Decker.
It is the responsibility of management to:
Provide a safe and healthy work environment through proper training and education.
Abide by all applicable safety rules and regulations as mandated by state and federal agencies.
Insist upon an unqualified commitment to safety by all personnel as reflected in their attitudes and work habits.
To further this policy, it is the responsibility of every employee to:
Eliminate any unsafe acts or shortcuts that compromise safety or health.
Maintain a safe work environment.
Require that all work be performed safely and in accordance with this policy.
Managing and working with a steadfast commitment to safety will contribute to the improved efficiency of our operations while ensuring the future success and prosperity of our company, the employees, customers, and the community.